Level: English for Senior High School
24-hours online learning
The Legend of the Kesodo Ceremony
Once upon a time in Mount Bromo, East Java, there were a couple living there. The new couple wanted to have a child. The had married for a long time but they hadn't got a baby. Every time they prayed to the Gods, asking for a child.
One day, there was a loud noise in the sky when they were praying."You are going to born a baby, and later you will give birth to many children. But I have a requirement for you to obey, if you really want to have children," said the voice. "Whatever you asked, my Lord, we will do it" the couple answered. "You must sacrifice your first son for the Gods," answered the voice.
The couple agreed to sacrifice their first son in the time that was asked by the voice. Then, the wife got pregnant and gave birth to a son. The baby grew up into a handsome, taught man. He was named Kesuma. The couple loved Kesuma very much. The wife gave birth to eleven more children after Kesuma. And, they forgot their promise to sacrifice their first son to the Gods.
One day, the volcano erupted. Before that, there were series of earthquakes followed by thunders in the sky. The sky was very dark, as if it was going to fall down. On the next occasion, there was a voice in the sky, reminding the couple about their promises. The couple was very afraid, but they just couldn't sacrifice their beloved son, Kesuma. However, because the earthquakes and the thunders were becoming more and more horrifying, Kesuma couldn't let his family and all the people in the village die.
Kesuma knew the situation. Then he said to his parents. "I would sacrifice myself in order that our family and all the people in our village will live in peace. For the next times, you all have to sacrifice animals and crops to the Gods." Then he jumped onto the crater of the volcano. Amazingly, the earthquakes and the eruption stopped at once.
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