Level: English for Junior High School
24-hours online learning

24-hours online learning
Natural Resources
The materials which are supplied by the earth, which is by nature, are called natural resources. They which can be used again are called renewable natural resources. Other natural resources can be used only once. They are called non-renewable natural resources.
Some areas of the earth have been supplied with a lot of certain natural resources. Others have few natural resources or perhaps none at all. Japan, for example, import sand iron from Indonesia, because this country does not have enough iron for its industry. If a country has few natural resources, it will have to import materials from other countries.
Among our natural resources are fuels, such as coal and oil. Precious minerals, such as gold and silver are natural resource too. Cooper is natural resources. The mineral we used come from the inside of the earth. Gold, silver, and cooper are minerals. The salt we use to flavor our food is natural resources. Our food, too, for example rice, is supplied by nature.
The important parts of the earth's surface provide many of natural resources. For example, we get our water from lakes and stream. Water is natural resources. We get wood from our forest. Wood is natural resource.
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