Level: English for Junior High School
24-hours online learning
Example of Recount Text 1
Example of Recount Text 2
Having Stomachache

24-hours online learning
Example of Recount Text 1
Flood in Purwodadi
It was still raining when I was home. The rain did not stop and became bigger when the night had come. People were standing in front of their house, hoping that the flood would not come. In the middle of the night, I got news that south Purwodadi had been drowned.
The next day, Purwodadi had become a flood area. All activities were paralyzed. No one went for work or school because the land had been covered by flood. However, I thanked God for not allowing the flood enter my house. Even my house had been changed into an emergency kitchen. It was so crowded there. My father and I took a walk around the center market and central Purwodadi. All that we could see was water and water. At night, the flood looked like a beautiful ocean with moonlight on it. I felt as if I was one of the passenger of Titanic who was sailing on the sea.
Finally, the flood was starting to decrease in the next morning. My family and I cleaned our front yard together. That was the greatest flood that I had ever experienced in my hometown.
Example of Recount Text 2
Having Stomachache
I had a really bad experience last Tuesday. That evening, I saw some mangoes on the table. I was happy because I really like the fruit. I peeled one and ate greedily. I peeled another two. My mother had advised me not to do so, but I said that I would be just fine.
The next morning, I went to school. The first class was Math and I had a test. During the test, I suddenly felt my stomachache. I tried to control it and finish my test. However, I could not. I had to go to the toilet. I went there three times. Because of my awkward behavior, my teacher thought that I had been cheating. I explained what happened. He understood.
However, the test time was almost over and certainly I could not finish it. Luckily, the teacher understood and gave me a chance to do a remedial test the following day. Oh, what a pity! I felt regretful, not listening to my mother's advice.
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