Level: English for Junior High School
24-hours online learning
Text 1
24-hours online learning
Text 1
Celebrating The Earth Day
Some weeks ago, in celebrating the earth day, our school had an excursion to Maron beach. Five big buses were ready to take all of us. We left the school at six thirty. We brought brooms, big plastic bags, and other cleaning utensils. We wore wide hats, long sleeved T-shirt, and gloves to protect our body from the sun.
We arrived at the beach after a fifty-five minutes drive. The beach was so dirty. Garbage was everywhere. It was not beautiful at all. We looked at the beach sadly. We were all very sorry about this view.
Mrs. Marwati told us to get off the bus and start our program right away. We did the cleaning up immediately. We picked up the garbage and brought them into the dumping ground.
We were very happy to see the beach clean. The beach is beautiful again now.
Text 2
Visiting Uncle in Jepara

Maya intended to visit her uncle, Budi, her aunt, Dewi and her cousin, Murni in Jepara. They live there. She went to Tanah Abang bus station. She looked around as she walked into the station. There were a lot of passengers there. Some of them just sat and the others stood and talked with their friends. Maya bought a cup of tea and piece of cake. Then, she found an empty seat beside some girls. It was a coincidence that one of them was Rani. Maya’s friend when they were in Junior High School. She asked Maya where she studied. She said she studied at the English Department in a university. A conversation started and the time passed quickly. Suddenly, Maya looked at her watch. “Oh dear!” she said. “I forgot about the time and now I missed the bus.”
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