Level: English for Junior and Senior High School
24-hours online learning
Text 1
Reducing the Effect of Global Warming
- Plant tree. Trees suck up CO2 and make clean air. The roots prevent the landslide.
- Save electricity. Turn off the electricity and other devices when not in use. Electric comes from the fossil which produces CO2 emission.
- Use paper efficiently. Paper comes from trees. More paper you use more trees to cut.
- Bike to school. Bike is green transportation which does not result gas and pollution.
- Throw rubbish into bin. Stay green by keeping the environment clean. It is better to sort the rubbish into organic and inorganic bin.
- Bring your own mineral water. It helps to reduce the plastic garbage. It takes 10 - 20 years to decompose plastic.
- Bring your own garbage. Go shopping with your cloth bag is better to reduce plastic bag.
How to Use Washing Machine
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